Digital Solutions

The world is evolving rapidly in the digital sphere and there emerge untapped opportunities and threats for SMEs and startups. While they recognize the need for a digital footprint, they do not always know what is possible.

Adaptowin's definition of digital does not mean a unidimensional Internet presence alone. It is about creating the 'mindset', exploring possibilities, combining the technical, creative and strategic to deliver value-based outcomes. It is how you can be aware of the entire digital ecosystem and best practices to maintaining and updating a solid profile on the Internet. Extracting real value from digital is the potential to unlock and understanding what best fits is the key.

Our digital solutions and implementation services are geared to help SMEs and startups

  1. Establish a digital footprint (web, social media presence for the brand, founder profiles on Linkedin etc)
  2. Enable workforce digital adoption (Cloud accounting tools, Office 365 etc)
  3. Streamline operations and unlock value with digital inculcation. (Digital and physical controls, record keeping)
  4. Enhance experience and value at all touchpoints - customer, workforce, operations, management and environment (Listening posts and feedback, mastering customer relationships in a digital era etc)
  5. Helping with document and record management, digitization of records
  6. Redesigning the business function based on best practices, reimagining how data is generated, collected, stored, analysed and used across various touchpoints
  7. Helping in adopting and embracing technology changes, bringing an agile mindset, optimising value and improving the competitive advantage
  8. Data Security

We achieve this by

  1. Undertaking a detailed analysis and study of the existing setup
  2. Identify the digital opportunity, cost and value
  3. Build a solution or help adopt an existing solution - whichever is best fit for the case
  4. Manage change and ensure benefit for all parties
  5. Help drive efficiency, customer retention and enhance customer experience.

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